Cucumber time, food on a 2D plate / plane



It is 35 degree Celsius out side, we are in the middle of the ‘slow news season’, in many countries also called cucumber time.  A period typified by the appearance of less informative and frivolous news in the media.

Did you know that 100 g of cucumber contain 0.28 mg of iron and 1.67 g of sugar? You can find all the nutrient values of a cucumber on the USDA food databases.

Food Data

There is more data, for many thousands of products you can retrieve nutrient values through an API (need to register for a free KEY). So besides the cucumber I extracted data for different type of food for example

  • Beef products
  • Dairy & Egg products
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • etc.

And as a comparison, I retrieved the nutrient values for some fast food products from McDonald’s and Pizza Hut. Just to see if pizza can be classified  as vegetable from a data point of view 🙂 So the data looks like:


I have sampled 1500 products and per product we have 34 nutrient values.


The 34 dimensional data is now compressed / projected onto a two dimensional plane using UMAP (Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection). There is a Python and R package to this.


An interactive map can be found here, and the R code to retrieve and plot the data here. Cheers, Longhow.


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